
The Horizon West Middle School Clinic is open daily during school hours. 

Students should only come to the clinic in an emergency or if a teacher has issued them a pass.

Our school nurse will work with students who become ill or injured at school. Parents will be notified as needed, so it is critical that all parents complete the Emergency Information Sheet for each student and update this information as changes occur.

All medications taken at school must be dispensed from the clinic. Therefore, if it is necessary for a student to take any form of medication at school, the parent must bring the medication in the original prescription bottle. Parent/guardian must also complete an Authorization for Medication form before a student is permitted to take medication at school. Students are not to carry any medication, over-the-counter or prescription, at any time during the school day.

If your child is ill such as running a fever, vomiting or diarrhea, please be sure to keep your child home for the health and safety of your child and the others in our school family.